Chapter 2 English learning Dutch

Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!

Kaart = Map/Card

Kaart (de; noun; v; plural: kaarten):

Map/Card: A visual representation or drawing of an area, typically depicting geographical features, cities, roads, and other relevant information; or a small piece of stiff paper or plastic used for various purposes, such as playing games or conveying information.

Tafel = Table

Tafel (de; noun; v; plural: tafels):

Table: A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used for various activities such as dining, working, or playing games.

Route = Route

Route (de; noun; v; plural: routes):

Route: A predetermined path or course to be traveled, typically for reaching a destination, often depicted on a map or navigation system.

Week = Week

Week (de; noun; v; plural: weken):

Week: A unit of time consisting of seven days, commonly used in calendars and representing a quarter of a lunar or four-week month.

Stad = City

Stad (de; noun; v; plural: steden):

City: A large and densely populated urban area characterized by various institutions, infrastructure, and a distinct community.

Plan = Plan

Plan (het; noun; o; plural: plannen):

Plans: Specific proposals or intentions for future actions, often involving a detailed outline or strategy for achieving a particular goal.

Vinger = Finger

Vinger (de; noun; m; plural: vingers):

Finger: One of the five digits on the human hand, typically used for grasping and touching.

Geweldig = Awesome

Geweldig (adjective):

Awesome: Describing something extraordinarily good or impressive; inspiring awe or admiration.


Oké = Okay

Oké (interjection):

Okay: An expression indicating agreement, approval, or acknowledgment; often used to confirm understanding or compliance.

Natuurlijk = Of course

Natuurlijk (adjective/adverb):

Of course: An expression indicating agreement, affirmation, or acknowledgment; commonly used to convey a positive response or agreement in various contexts.

Mobiel = Mobile

Mobiel (de; noun; m; plural: mobielen):

Mobile/Cellphone: A portable telephone that can make and receive calls using radio frequency signals, allowing users to move around freely.

Wie = Who

Wie (pronoun):

Who: A pronoun used to inquire about or refer to a person or people in a question or relative clause.

Weet = To know

Weten (verb; het; infinitive: weten):

To Know: The act of possessing knowledge or awareness about a fact, information, or concept; to be acquainted with or have understanding.


- Singular -> Ik/ jij/ hij/zij/het -> weet
- Plural     -> Wij/ jullie/ zij      -> weten

Nederlands = Dutch

Nederlands (het; noun):

Dutch: The official language of the Netherlands, belonging to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.

Gedachte = Thought

Gedachte (de; noun; v; plural: gedachten):

Thought: An idea or mental process; the cognitive activity of considering, contemplating, or reflecting on information, concepts, or experiences.

Taal = Language

Taal (de; noun; v; plural: talen):

Language: A system of communication, either spoken or written, consisting of words and the structural rules that govern their use; a means of expressing thoughts and ideas.

Laag = Low/ Layer

Laag (de; adjective/noun; v; plural: lagen):


  1. Adjective: Positioned not far above the ground or another surface.
  2. Noun: A horizontal level or stratum, often in a stack or series.


Zon = Sun

Zon (de; noun; v; plural: zonnen):

Sun: The star at the center of our solar system, a source of light and energy for Earth; also used to refer to sunlight or a sunny day.

Kleur = Color

Kleur (de; noun; v; plural: kleuren):

Color: The visual perceptual property corresponding to the different wavelengths of light; an attribute of an object or substance as seen by the eye.


Oranje = Orange

Oranje (adjective):

Orange: Having the color between red and yellow.

Maaltijd = Meal

Maaltijd (de; noun; v; plural: maaltijden):

Meal: A serving of food eaten to satisfy hunger, typically consisting of one or more dishes prepared and consumed at a specific time.

Lucht = Air/ Sky

Lucht (de; noun; v; no plural):

Air/Sky: The mixture of gases that forms the Earth's atmosphere; also used to refer to the expanse of open space above the Earth where the sun, moon, and clouds are observed.

Emotie = Emotion

Emotie (de; noun; v; plural: emoties):

Emotion: A complex psychological state that involves a range of feelings, often triggered by specific events, experiences, or thoughts, and expressed through physiological and behavioral responses.

Trots = Pride

Trots (de; noun; no plural):

Pride: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's achievements, qualities, or possessions; a sense of honor or self-respect.

Nieuw = New

Nieuwe (adjective):

New: Describing something that has recently come into existence, been acquired, or is in the early stages of development.

Horizon = Horizon

Horizon (de; noun; m; plural: horizons):

Horizon: The apparent line that separates the earth from the sky, creating the limit of one's field of view.

Open = Open

Open (adjective):

Open: Not closed or blocked; accessible; unrestricted; also used metaphorically to describe a receptive or transparent attitude.

Water = Water

Water (het; noun; o; no plural):

Water: A transparent, odorless, and tasteless liquid that is essential for the existence of life; also used more broadly to refer to bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, or rivers.

Goed gedaan! You learned all the words from chapter 2, see you in the next chapter!