Chapter 3 English learning Dutch

Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!

Boot = Boat

Boot (de; noun; v; plural: boten):

Boat: A watercraft designed for navigation on lakes, rivers, or seas.

En = And

En (conjunction):

And: as connection of two or more terms or sentences

Zeggen = To say

Zeggen (verb):

To say: The act of expressing words or conveying information verbally.

Zee = Sea

Zee (de; noun; v; plural: zeeën):

Sea: A large expanse of saltwater that covers much of the Earth's surface.

Ik = I

Ik (pronoun):

I: A pronoun used to refer to oneself, indicating the speaker.

Tijd = Time

Tijd (de; noun; v; plural: tijden):

Time: The ongoing sequence of events, measured in past, present, and future.

Kleren = Clothes

Kleren (de; noun; v; plural: kleren):

Clothes: Items of clothing worn on the body for protection, comfort, or style.

Tussen = Between

Tussen (preposition):

Between: In the space separating two objects, individuals, or points.

Engels = English

Engels (adjective/noun):

English: Relating to or characteristic of England or its language. (de; noun; v; plural: Engelsen)


Supermarkt = Supermarket

Supermarkt (de; noun; m; plural: supermarkten):

Supermarket: A large retail store that sells a variety of food and household products.

Sorry = Sorry

Sorry (interjection):

Sorry: An expression used to apologize or express regret.

Dag = Day

Dag (de; noun; m; plural: dagen):

Day: A unit of time consisting of 24 hours; the period from sunrise to sunset.

Huis = House

Huis (het; noun; o; plural: huizen):

House: A building used for human habitation, typically providing shelter and space for domestic activities.

Lach = Laugh

Lach (de; noun; v; plural: lachen):

Laugh: The action or sound of laughing; to express amusement through laughter.

Klaar = Ready

Klaar (adjective):

Ready: Describing a state of completion or preparedness; no further action or work is required. 

Ding = Thing

Ding (het; noun; o; plural: dingen):

Thing: A general term for an object, item, or entity.

Goed gedaan! You learned all the words from chapter 3, see you in the next chapter!