Chapter 3 English learning Dutch
Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!
Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!
Boot (de; noun; v; plural: boten):
Boat: A watercraft designed for navigation on lakes, rivers, or seas.
En (conjunction):
And: as connection of two or more terms or sentences
Zeggen (verb):
To say: The act of expressing words or conveying information verbally.
Zee (de; noun; v; plural: zeeën):
Sea: A large expanse of saltwater that covers much of the Earth's surface.
Ik (pronoun):
I: A pronoun used to refer to oneself, indicating the speaker.
Tijd (de; noun; v; plural: tijden):
Time: The ongoing sequence of events, measured in past, present, and future.
Kleren (de; noun; v; plural: kleren):
Clothes: Items of clothing worn on the body for protection, comfort, or style.
Tussen (preposition):
Between: In the space separating two objects, individuals, or points.
Engels (adjective/noun):
English: Relating to or characteristic of England or its language. (de; noun; v; plural: Engelsen)
Supermarkt (de; noun; m; plural: supermarkten):
Supermarket: A large retail store that sells a variety of food and household products.
Sorry (interjection):
Sorry: An expression used to apologize or express regret.
Dag (de; noun; m; plural: dagen):
Day: A unit of time consisting of 24 hours; the period from sunrise to sunset.
Huis (het; noun; o; plural: huizen):
House: A building used for human habitation, typically providing shelter and space for domestic activities.
Lach (de; noun; v; plural: lachen):
Laugh: The action or sound of laughing; to express amusement through laughter.
Klaar (adjective):
Ready: Describing a state of completion or preparedness; no further action or work is required.
Ding (het; noun; o; plural: dingen):
Thing: A general term for an object, item, or entity.