Chapter 7 English learning Dutch
Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!
Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!
Over (preposition/adverb):
Straat (de; noun; v; plural: straten):
Street: A public road in a city or town, typically with buildings on either side.
Brood (het; noun; o; no plural):
Bread: A staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, baked and usually sliced for consumption.
Broodje (het; noun; o; plural: broodjes):
Bun: A smaller bread made from flour, water, and yeast, baked and usually sliced for consumption.
Pro-Tip: In het Nederlands, we don't have a seperate word for 'bun'. We use the diminutive of 'bread' (in het Nederlands: brood), which is broodje. the plural of broodje is broodjes.
Ontbijt (het; noun; o):
Breakfast: The first meal of the day, usually consumed in the morning.
Ook (adverb):
Also/Too: Adverb indicating inclusion or addition, expressing similarity or agreement.
Oven (de; noun; m; plural: ovens):
Oven: A kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting food by surrounding it with dry heat.
Honger (de; noun; v; no plural):
Hunger: The feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food.
Pro-Tip: In het Nederlands, in most cases we use 'Ik heb honger', which would literally translate to : 'I have hunger'. Technically it would be correct to say 'ik ben hongerig' which literally translates to 'I am hungry', but this is used less often.
Landschap (het; noun; o; plural: landschappen):
Landscape: The visible features of an area, including physical elements like mountains, rivers, and vegetation.
Klein (adjective):
Small/Little: Describing something of limited size or extent.
Dorp (het; noun; o; plural: dorpen):
Village: A small community or settlement, typically in a rural area.
Later (adverb):
Later: At a subsequent time; following the current time.
Volgende (adjective):
Next: Following in order or time; coming immediately after the present one.
Laptop (de; noun; m; plural: laptops):
Laptop: A portable computer that can be used on one's lap.
Boek (het; noun; o; plural: boeken):
Book: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side.
Ik ben Nederlands aan het leren:
I am learning Dutch: A phrase indicating the ongoing process of learning the Dutch language.
Waar is het toilet?:
Where is the toilet/ restroom?: A question asking for the location of the restroom.
Woord (het; noun; o; plural: woorden):
Word: A unit of language consisting of one or more morphemes, carrying meaning and representing a basic unit of communication.
Vraag (de; noun; v; plural: vragen):
Question: A sentence or phrase used to express an inquiry, request for information, or doubt.
Wat (pronoun/adverb):
What: Pronoun - used to inquire about something; Adverb - used to introduce a relative clause.
Waar (adverb):
Where: An adverb indicating location or position.
Wanneer (adverb):
When: An adverb indicating time or the point in time at which an event occurs.
Wie (pronoun):
Who: Pronoun used to inquire about a person or people.
Welke (pronoun/adjective):
Which: Pronoun - used to inquire about one or more items from a defined set; Adjective - used to specify or ask about a particular item from a set.
Waarom (adverb):
Why: An adverb indicating the reason or cause for something.
Hoe (adverb):
How: An adverb indicating the manner or method by which something is done or achieved.