Chapter 8 English learning Dutch
Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!
Read the definitions and hear the pronunciations of all the words in this chapter! Veel geluk!
Mix (de; noun; m; plural: mixes):
Mix: A combination or blend of something, for example: different elements, substances, things or people.
Energie (de; noun; v; no plural):
Lunch (de; noun; m; plural: lunches):
Lunch: A midday meal, typically smaller than dinner, often eaten during the break in the middle of the day.
Culture tip: In Nederland, lunch is typically eaten between 12:00 - 13:00. Usually dutch people eat a cold lunch, most common would be slices of bread with simple toppings such as peanut butter, a slice of cheese or jam.
Avond/Vanavond (de; noun; v; plural: avonden):
Wild (adjective):
Vrouw (de; noun; v; plural: vrouwen):
Woman: An adult human female.
Drankje (de; noun; v; plural: drankjes):
Drink: Beverage, especially those containing alcohol.
Dansen (verb):
To dance: Verb - the action of moving rhythmically to music.
Altijd (adverb):
Always: At all times; on every occasion.
Beetje (pronoun/adverb):
Mag ik twee wijntjes?
May I have two glasses of wine?: A polite request for a quantity of wine.
Pinnen alstublieft.
With card please.: A courteous way to ask for payment using a card.
Niet (adverb):
Not: Used to deny the whole sentence or a large part of the sentence
Geen (adjective/pronoun):
None/Not any: Used to deny the noun immediately following it
Wij hebben niet veel tijd.
We don't have much time.: Expressing a limited availability of time.
Zij willen niet naar de film gaan.
They don't want to go to the movies.: Indicating a lack of desire to attend a film.
Hij heeft geen geld.
He doesn't have money.: Stating a lack of financial resources.
Zij drinkt geen koffie.
She doesn't drink coffee.: Describing a person's preference or habit regarding coffee.